Diabetes Self-Management Intervention for African American Men
Principal Investigator: Jaclynn Hawkins, PhD
Study Description:
The objective of this study is to adapt and evaluate the preliminary efficacy of a peer-led DSMS (PLDSMS) intervention for Black men with diabetes. To accomplish this objective, we will tailor an existing peer-led DSMS intervention, Praise,23 by 1) using male peer leaders as interventionists and 2) modifying the intervention content to focus on messaging appropriate for Black men. The proposed study includes a developmental phase (adaptation of the intervention with stakeholder feedback, followed by feasibility testing with Black men) and a validation phase [pilot randomized controlled trial (RCT)]. The RCT will be conducted with N=60 Black male adult residents of Detroit, MI. Men will be randomized to an enhanced usual care group or to the tailored PLDSMS. We hypothesize that 1) participants in the adapted PLDSMS approach will have improved outcomes over enhanced usual care (EUC), and 2) an evaluation of measures will confirm efficacy of the intervention.
Project Aims:
Aim 1: Intervention adaptation. Adapt the Praise intervention for Black men with diabetes. Adaptation and refinement will involve conducting three to four focus groups to assess barriers and facilitators to diabetes self management and to evaluate the feasibility and acceptability of intervention materials.
Aim 2: Pilot RCT. Conduct a pilot RCT of the adapted intervention to evaluate participant recruitment and retention rates, treatment and intervention satisfaction and estimate intervention effect sizes on our primary outcomes (i.e., A1C and self-management behaviors) as well as on secondary outcomes (i.e., diabetes social support and diabetes-related distress).
Data from the pilot RCT will help refine recruitment strategies, training materials, and the implementation protocol to be used in a larger cluster RCT. Our study will also identify strategies to increase Black men’s participation in intervention research and improve dropout rates. This goal is in line with the mission of NIDDK to disseminate science-based information on diabetes, to improve people’s health and quality of life.