Matt Smith Receives Department of Justice Grant to Evaluate Virtual Rreality Interview Training
Matt Smith has received a five-year grant from the United States Department of Justice/National Institute of Justice to evaluate the delivery of virtual reality job interview training. He will study whether using the virtual reality tool increases employment and...
Joe Himle Receives Poverty Solutions Grant to Help Homeless People with Social Anxiety
Peter Felsman appointed as Postdoctoral Associate at Stony Brook University
PhD Candidate Peter Felsman has accepted a Postdoctoral Associate position at Stony Brook University for next year. This position is a joint appointment at the Alan Alda Center for Communicating Science (under the direction of Dr. Laura Lindenfeld) and the Social...
Joe Himle Listed in Top 100 Most Influential Social Work Faculty
The Journal of Social Service Research has named Dr. Joseph A. Himle, founder of the TIDL lab, as one of the 100 most influential social work faculty in the United States. Click here to learn more.
TIDL Lab Seeking Two Postdoctoral Fellowship Candidates
The Treatment Innovation and Dissemination Lab (TIDL) (http://tidl.ssw.umich.edu/) at the University of Michigan School of Social Work is accepting applications for two postdoctoral fellowship positions to begin in September 2019. We are seeking candidates whose interests include translational (research-to-practice) and implementation research with an emphasis on technology-based interventions. The fellowship positions are for one-year to two-years, with an initial one-year appointment and the option for renewal for a second year if fellows are making good progress towards the goals of the position.